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Tailoring Mental Wellness Solutions


Holistic Health and Psychiatry Services

Synchronicity Psychiatry & Therapy is redefining psychiatry and mental health treatment. For us, it’s not just about managing medication or having a therapy appointment — it's about providing personalized therapeutic services and a holistic approach to your health and wellness.

We serve patients in South Louisiana with a unique blend of traditional psychiatric care and complementary wellness strategies. Synchronicity Psychiatry & Therapy believes in the power of balance, harmony, and synchronicity in achieving optimal mental health.

Unique Approach

For psychiatry, Dr. Parden combines the best of conventional psychiatry, neuroscience, medication management, along with personalized therapeutic services. She also incorporates holistic health and wellness strategies for a comprehensive approach to your mental health.

Similarly, Rose Ford, LPC shares in the holistic and personalized approach to each individual client she encounters.  She has a great understanding of the impact of past experiences and how it shapes us in our daily experience now.  

Explore their services and discover how Synchronicity Psychiatry & Therapy can help you on your journey to mental health and wellness.



That’s why Synchronicity Psychiatry & Therapy created a patient portal. This easy-to-use platform allows you to access your records, schedule appointments, and communicate directly with our clinicians. Ready to embark on your journey to mental health and wellness?

At Synchronicity Psychiatry & Therapy, We Understand That Every Patient Is Unique

We tailor our services to meet your individual needs, providing personalized care that goes beyond medication management or coffee talk. Our holistic health and wellness approach considers all aspects of your life, helping you achieve balance and harmony.

Discover the Synchronicity difference today.


Contact Synchronicity Psychiatry & Therapy

8032 Summa Avenue, Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809


P: 225-256-2201

F: 225-256-5275

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